Samuel Jerome and Richnightder

Samuel Jerome and Richnightder
Our boys in Haiti

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Open adoptions

On Tuesday, we went to the airport to pick up Madison's birthmom, Angela. Most of you are aware that we have an open adoption with Madison's birth family and it really is a great thing. Angela will be here until Sunday when she then returns to Seattle, but here's the best part, she is taking Madison and Thomas with her for 6 fun-filled days. WOOHOO. That translates to me being all alone in my own house without any children, fighting, homeschooling, or general headaches that accompany kids. I worry that that makes me sound like a hideous mother, but I can't wait to have the house to myself and just lie around on the couch, eat cheescake and watch grown up shows on tv.

There are so many things I want to do while the kids are gone, that I am afraid I won't have time. I want to reclaim my horse, who Madi has been riding and showing, and have some fun. I want to take a nap in the middle of the day. I want to make brownies, not bake them and just eat the batter. I want to sit on the back porch drinking a beer and watch my horses graze. I want to wander the aisle of Target and buy things I want and not matchbox cars and beaded jewelry kits. I just want to enjoy the silence of tranquility. Does this make me selfish? I hope not. Because everyday of the week, my kids are my focus and all my energies are directed at them and providing education and recreation.

I hope Angela enjoys her week with the kids, but I fear when she meets us in Portland to bring the kids back, she may only slow the car down, and have the kids tuck-and-roll as they exit the vehicle. She will have Thomas with her on his 10th birthday, which is next thursday, the 14th of August. She is planning a swimming party at the water park in Seattle and it should be a blast for him.....maybe not so much fun for Angela. HEHE I am sure I will have some neat pictures to post of the fun event.

Madison is getting her hair corn-rowed today so that it will be easier to take care of on her trip with Angela. I hope the cornrows stay looking somewhat decent for my sister's wedding on the 17th. My fear is that she will meet up with us in Portland and have a full blown afro that will need to be conditioned and combed out all in a matter of hours. My little girl is growing up, sometimes too quickly, and sometimes not fast enough. Her hair remains a point of disagreement for us. I always want it neatly braided, and she is leaning towards the "I want it any way that is opposite of what Mom wants" point of view. Given that, I am certainly hoping that having three boys, will be easier in some respects. I am hoping that Madison feels like letting me take a picture of her new braids today. I would love to post a picture of her cute new style. Off to the races today with my 'tween daughter and agreeable son!


Tifanni said...

Have a great and restful week. I"m feeling so jealous :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys, I love you brog. The Madison and Thomas are as beutiful and handson as ever. Thomas hasn't lost his great smile. Now tell me about your two new additions. I can believe you have become so computor savy. lol. Kyle got married last week, rachel is at school in astoria, Eric and Holly have 3 kids now and Ryan and Katina finished there associates degree and working on the their batchlors. Ryan works at intel and Katina is doing drafting for a company in Tualatin. Eric just got a promotion running the new building for Gaylord. Kyle is working at gaylord as well. Rachel when to job corp in astoria and will be finished in a month and plans to go to MT Hood community colloge to for Hotel management. My sister moved up her a year ago last June. Her house burned down last month and broke her foot two weeks ago. She going to be ok though. We still live in Tualatin with 5 dogs. Drop me a line when upi get a chance. 503-475-9620. Betty