Samuel Jerome and Richnightder

Samuel Jerome and Richnightder
Our boys in Haiti

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Moving on the East side....AKA, Minneapolis!

It was pointed out to me by Tina, that due to our impending move to the greater Minneapolis/St. Paul area, I would need to change the title of my blog.  YIPPEEE! 

I am utterly lacking in creativity.  Even though I am a Pisces, I still missed out on the creative aspects I was supposed to have been born with.  Nope, nada, zilch creative ideas originate in my noggin. So darlin' blogland readers, help me come up with a new title for my blog. 

We've hooked up with a realtor in Minneapolis and we are also looking at properties in the Hudson, Wisconsin area.  Funny thing though is that the property taxes are much higher than in the surrounding counties of Minneapolis with the exception of Hennepin County which are outrageous. So with that in mind, even though Marc will be working in Minneapolis we very well could be living in Minnesota or Wisconsin.  Toss out the ideas for a new blog title....Please...I need help here!


Tina Hollenbeck said...

If you choose WI, how about "Cheesehead Living" or "The Cheesehead Chronicles?" :^)

Rose Anne said...

Welcome to the Dairy State!
or from the Mini Apple to You!Good Luck in either location! I think You will be suprised how differant the greatings will be!~
God Bless,
Rose Anne

Unknown said...

How about "Expecting the Twins"? This will get people's attention. or "What to do with the Twins?". Or geographically you could call it the St. Croix Valley life. If you live on the east side of the river, a reference to Cheese and Beer is mandatory in the title. You'll like the least we did when we were there.

Unknown said...

I think you should call it Hotdish and Bars! Or maybe that would be a better title for Maddie's? The Midwest has so many fun quirks! Life on the Gravies would be fun if you are rural.

Yeop said...

I'd love to keep following your blog- been reading it for quite some time and always appreciate your writing.
